Planning News
Town of Collingwood new Official Plan
Town staff have advised they will consider comments on Draft # 2 of the proposed Official Plan until October 31. They expect to take a staff report to Council before the end of November.. This […]
Draft Official Plan; Town of Collingwood
The Public Open house for Draft # 2 of the Official Plan for Town of Collingwood is set for October 4th and the statutory public meeting is set for October 17th at 5 PM.
Draft # 2 Town of Collingwood Proposed Offical Plan
Draft # 2 of the proposed Town of Collingwood Official Plan was released in July 2023. The statutory public meeting is expected to be scheduled in the early fall.
Bill 23: Accessory dwellings
Official Plans and Zoning By Laws cannot prohibit up to three ( 3) residential units per parcel of urban residential land.
Permitted configurations: two attached accessory units in primary dwelling, 1 accessory attached unit in primary […]
Shipyards Projects
Below are updates on 3 projects currently working thru development approvals in the Shipyards:
- Collingwood Quay proposed by Fram Stokker, recently obtained Council approval for a ZBA to permit smaller restaurant in different location. Proposed […]