About Shelley Wells

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So far Shelley Wells has created 71 blog entries.

Town of Collingwood new Official Plan

Town staff have advised they will consider comments on Draft # 2 of the proposed Official Plan until  October 31.   They expect to take a staff report to Council before the end of November.. This report will request that Council adopt Draft # 2 of the New Official Plan as amended


By |2023-11-03T11:42:36+00:00November 3rd, 2023|

Bill 23: Accessory dwellings

Official Plans and Zoning By Laws cannot prohibit up to three ( 3) residential units per parcel of  urban residential land.

Permitted configurations: two attached accessory units in primary dwelling, 1 accessory attached  unit in primary dwelling and 1 detached  accessory unit, or  2 detached accessory units.


By |2023-07-06T13:17:51+00:00July 6th, 2023|

Shipyards Projects

Below are updates on 3 projects currently working thru development approvals   in the Shipyards:


  1. Collingwood Quay proposed by Fram Stokker,  recently  obtained Council approval for a ZBA  to permit smaller restaurant in different location.   Proposed 6 storey mixed use.


  1. Perfect World,  Larry Dunn developer,  3  six storey buildings which only need building permit.   One building […]
By |2023-06-01T18:23:20+00:00June 1st, 2023|

Town of Collingwood new Official Plan

The Province recently announced another series of policy, legislative and regulatory changes for consultation, designed to assist with meeting its goal of constructing 1.5M houses in the next decade.

Given the significance of the land use planning-related changes, Planning Services staff at the Town are pivoting resources to advising Town Council on the impacts of the […]

By |2023-08-22T15:25:41+00:00May 1st, 2023|

Affordabe Housing Town of Collingwood

In a news release issued today, the Town of Collingwood announced it is developing a “made-in-Collingwood” solution for the affordable housing crisis in the form of an affordable housing master plan that will “give the town prioritized, costed, and actionable direction.”

Using work already done by the Collingwood affordable housing task force, the town aims to […]

By |2023-04-04T12:25:13+00:00April 4th, 2023|

Town of Collingwood SCAP

After consultation with the community Planning Staff brought forward  on January 30 2023 proposed changes to the SCAP  matrix. In addition to these proposed changes to the matrix Staff proposed to batch the first grouping of 2023 merit-based allocation
capacity requests and bring those forward to Council in March 2023 or thereabouts pending the
timing of outstanding […]

By |2023-02-06T17:57:44+00:00February 6th, 2023|

Town of Collingwood ICBL and SCAP

On Monday, December 12, the Development & Operations Services Standing Committee Town of Collinwood received a staff report on the ICBL and SCAP update.

The purpose of the report was to request that Committee and Council consider extending the Short-Term Interim Control By-law Exemption Program so the Town can further support shovel-ready development projects to continue […]

By |2022-12-21T15:22:08+00:00December 21st, 2022|
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