Planning News
Town of Collingwood Adopts New Official Plan
Affordable Housing Master Plan; Collingwood
On November 5, 2023 Town of Collingwood Council accepted the Affordable Housing Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to guide the Towns housing program to achieve maximum impact within the approved budget. Staff […]
Town of Collingwood new Official Plan
Town staff have advised they will consider comments on Draft # 2 of the proposed Official Plan until October 31. They expect to take a staff report to Council before the end of November.. This […]
Draft Official Plan; Town of Collingwood
The Public Open house for Draft # 2 of the Official Plan for Town of Collingwood is set for October 4th and the statutory public meeting is set for October 17th at 5 PM.
Draft # 2 Town of Collingwood Proposed Offical Plan
Draft # 2 of the proposed Town of Collingwood Official Plan was released in July 2023. The statutory public meeting is expected to be scheduled in the early fall.